The call fosters the usability and capability of the innovative statistical methodologies for clinical trials in rare diseases, which have not been demonstrated on existing data for specific rare disease clinical trials yet. Only teams from the EJP RD beneficiary institutions (including linked third parties) will be eligible. ERN member institutions and their Affiliated Partners are also eligible.
Official call opening: February 1, 2020.
The aim of the Networking Support Scheme (NSS) in the EJP RD is to encourage sharing of knowledge on rare diseases and rare cancers of health care professionals, researchers and patients.
The NSS also aims to enable or increase the participation of usually underrepresented countries in Europe (see below) in new and in existing research networks on rare disease(s) or rare cancer(s).
The scheme will provide financial support to applicants for fostering organization of workshops or conferences for new research networks or existing/expanding research networks to strengthen collaborations and to enable exchange of knowledge. The focus of these workshops or conferences should be (the implications of) research results and innovative solutions as well as to strengthening the collaborations between different stakeholders. The results of these networking events may lead to future collaborative and novel research efforts. The applying consortium is allowed to invite other participants to join the networking event. There is no limit to the number of participants, however the maximum budget that can be requested is € 30,000 for a networking event.
The innovative “Rare Diseases Research (RDR) Challenges” call will be implemented to facilitate and fund collaboration between industry, academia, SMEs, and patient organizations to solve specific research challenges in rare diseases.
Industry partners have been involved in the identification of four challenges that are the topics of the call and that were validated by the EJP RD partners including patients.
Collaborative consortia of applicants (academics, SMEs, patient organizations) and the involved industry partners will address the challenges and provide solutions. It is expected that the creation of new RDR partnerships will enable access to scientific and technological innovations emerging from SMEs and academic research groups for industry and provide a facilitated pathway for academics to exploit their research.
In order to initiate exchanges and/or formation of collaborative consortia of applicants to the call, a Networking Event will be organized in which the challenges will be presented and pre-arranged bilateral/multilateral networking meetings will be organized between potential applicants (academia, SMEs, patient organizations) and the involved industry partners that identified the challenges.
Entidad Financiadora: EJP RD
Plazo de Presentación: 31/12/2020